Letter of thanks on behalf of the Principal to the parents for calamity donation

Your contributions, along with those of other parents and students, have truly embodied the spirit of compassion and solidarity.

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10 May 20XX

Dear Parent,

I am write to express my heartfelt thanks for your prompt and generous response to our call for voluntary donations following the devastating earthquake in XXXC. Your contributions, along with those of other parents and students, have truly embodied the spirit of compassion and solidarity.

It is somoving to note that many of our students chose to donate their entire month's pocket money—a gesture that speaks about the values of empathy and social responsibility. Your encouragement and support are highly commendable.

Your contribution has not only provided immediate relief but has also set a powerful example for our children, showing them the importance of standing by our brothers and sisters in their time of need.

I am pleased to inform you that the total amount collected, Rs. 2,65,860/-, has been sent to the Prime Minister's Relief Fund via Demand Draft No. 440189, drawn on the State Bank of India, dated 6 May 20XX.

I thank you for your generosity and support. It is through such collective efforts that we can make a difference in the world.

Yours sincerely,

Markandeya Sinha


Meri Vidya Public School

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