Circular to all parents in the beginning of the session

Principal's Message- Opening of New Session. It is my duty to remind you the school rules and seek your cooperation ensuring that your children adhere to them.

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Principal's Message- Opening of the New Session.

Dear Parents,

As we begin a new academic session at Meri Vidya Public School, I warmly welcome our students back to school. It is my duty to remind you of the school rules and seek your cooperation in ensuring that your children adhere to them. Together, we can create n environment conducive to learning and growth.

1. Punctuality: Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time. Late arrivals disrupt the class and affect the overall discipline of the school.

2. School Uniform: Students must wear the prescribed school uniform, both in summer and winter. Uniformity fosters a sense of belonging and equality among students.

3. Attendance: A minimum of 75% attendance is mandatory. In case of leave, please follow the protocol:

  -For one day, a letter to the class is required.

  -For up to three days, a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress is necessary.

   -For longer leave, a letter to the Principal is mandatory. Unapproved long leaves may result in the student's name being stuck off the trolls.

4. School Fees: Kindly ensure that the school fees are paid on time. Remainders for unpaid fees cause unnecessary embarrassment to the child and may lead to suspension until dues are cleared.

5. Class Attendance: Avoid bunking school or classes. Regular attendance is crucial for academic success and personal development.

6. Respect for Property: Students should respect school property. Any damage caused will be penalized, and the cost of repairs will be charged to the responsible party.

7. Behavior on School Buses: Exemplary behavior is expected on school buses. Misconduct will lead to disciplinary action, including suspension from using the bus service.

8. Language: The use of abusive or inappropriate language is strictly prohibited and will result in severe penalties, including suspension.

9. School Bags: Parents should regularly check their child's bag to ensure that only the necessary items for the day brought to school. This helps avoid unnecessary burden and ensures that the child is organized.

10. Carrying Cash: Monitor the cash your child carries to school. Large sums of money are discouraged to prevent loss or theft.

11. Mobile Phones: Mobile phones are only allowed for students who have obtained prior permission from the Principal. Also the phone must be deposited at the school reception counter. 

If a phone is confiscated, it will be returned only when the students leaves school, i.e., after the 12th standard Board exams.

12. Homework and Assignments: Parents are encouraged to regularly check their child's homework and assignments. Your involvement plays a crucial role in their academic success.

13. Health and Hygiene: Ensure that your child follows good health and hygiene practices. Sick children should remain at home to recover fully and prevent the spread of illness.

14. Parent-Teacher Interaction: Regular interaction with teachers is vital. Please attend Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs) and stay informed about your child's progress and any areas of concern.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure a productive and harmonious school environment. Your cooperation is highly valued, and I looked forward to working together to make this academic year a success.

Your Sincerely,

Amit Byju

Principal, Meri Vidya Public School




















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