Trip to India Gate

Trip to India Gate. We have organized an educational trip to India Gate for students of Class Prep on Monday, 8th October and Nursery on Tuesday, 9th October.

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Trip to India Gate

Meri Vidya Public School


Dear Parents,

We are delighted  to inform you that we have organized an educational trip to India Gate for the students of Class Prep on Monday, 8th October XX, and Nursery on Tuesday, 9th October XX.

This trip aims to provide students with  firsthand experience of one of Indi's historic landmarks, enhancing their understanding and appreciated of our nation's heritage.

The students will be accompanied by their class teachers and sahaikas, ensuring their safety and well- being throughout the trip. The students will return within the school hours, so there is no need to worry bout any significant disruption to their  regular schedule.

Through there will be an adequate supply of drinking water, it is advisable that children carry their water bottles. We also recommend that they carry  a small snack,  hat or cap, wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for walking.

Please note that dispersal on these days may be slightly delayed due to the4 trip. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Kindly fill the following consent form and send it back by Friday, 5th October XX, Positively. Your timely response  will helps us making the necessary arrangements.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the trip, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

With warm regards,

[Name of In-Charge]

In-Charge. Pre-Primary

Meri Vidya Public School


Consent Form

I,______, parent/guardian of

_______(Class:____), give

my consent for my child to attend the educational trip to India Gate organized by Meri Vidya Oceanic School on [date].

I understand that all necessary precautions will be taken for the safety of my child during the trip. Live locations will be shared on parent's mobile during journey.





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