Request to CBSE regional office for alternative examiner

Urgent Request for Appointment of Alternative Practical Examiner in Chemistry. That may disrupt the smooth conduct of the upcoming CBSE practical examinations.

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The Regional Officer

CBSE regional office,


Subject: Urgent Request for Appointment of Alternative Practical Examiner in Chemistry

Dear Sir,

I am writing to bring to your urgent attention a situation that may disrupt the smooth conduct of the upcoming CBSE practical examinations.

As you are aware, Mr. Ajay Kumar, PGT Chemistry at our esteemed institution, GB School, was designated as a practical examiner. Regrettably, please be informed that that Mr. Kumar is no longer employed by our school.

To ensure the integrity and timely completion of the practical examinations, may I request that the CBSE appoint an alternative examiner for Chemistry at the earliest possible convenience.

I understand the importance of adhering to CBSE protocols and would appreciate your guidance on this matter.

If, under exceptional circumstances, appointing an alternate examiner proves impracticable, we would be grateful for the opportunity to propose a qualified examiner from our neighbourhood School subject to your approval.

Thank you for your kind attention to this urgent request. We look forward to your response so that we can ensure a seamless examination process for our students.


Aditi Ben


GB School

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