Reprimanding a parent for police complaint

Your complaint to police against teacher. In our meeting immediately after the incident, i.e. hitting your child with scale, the teacher had apologised to you.

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6 November 20XX

Mr V D Dagar


7, Maharaj Colony


Dear Sir

I am in receipt of the copy of the police complaint lodged by you against our teacher Satyam Sinha on 4-11-20XX.

In our meeting immediately after the incident, i.e. hitting your child with scale, the teacher had apologised to you and I presumed you were satisfied. Otherwise I would have initiated a stricter action for such an unacceptable cruelty.

Now your complaint to the police has surprised me. You have written that I threatened you for life and warned of dire consequences and many more allegations.

Neither did I threaten or warn you at any time. You might not be satisfied but levelling false allegations just to add weight to the complaint are uncalled for. This is typical of advocates' verbose in courts where exaggeration might be considered a stronger appeal for justice. I don't approve of it.

The crime under discussion is different from those argued in the court. Moreover, untruth can't hold ground for long.

You may have done it after an emotional stroke which naturally occurs to a parent. May I invite you to school tomorrow to discuss the issue again and conclude it to a logical conclusion.

Classroom issues are hardly resolved by police and courts. I believe your feelings have subsided by now and you are able to see the whole incident in a changed perspective.


B Verghese


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