Letter to a philanthropist requesting to help a needy student

Request for helping a needy student. I thank God that people like you whose heart throbs for the less fortunate live within the society.

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12 May 20XX

Dr AB Singh 27,

Greenfield Colony

Gowahati- Aasam

Request for helping a needy student

Dear Sir

Please refer to my last meeting when you had asked me to let you know if there was a student who genuinely needed financial help. I thank God that people like you whose heart throbs for the less fortunate live within the society.

I have a student in my school whose father is currently out of job and fee arrears for the past few months have accumulated. We too help such students but we have already exhausted our allocations for such cases.

The total arrears amount to Rs 75000/- paying which the current over dues will be neutralised. Uniform and stationery have been arranged by another kind hearted person like you.

You can pay this amount through cheque and according to our policy this will not be revealed to the student or his parent whom you have helped. Then only it will be a deserving donation safeguarding the self respect of the student.

Hoping to see you soon

Best regards

Viplav Bharucha


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