Letter declining invitation to join Rotary club

This Letter for declining invitation to join the Rotary Club, an institution renowned for its commendable contributions to society.

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This letter  for declining invitation to join Rotary Club.

Dear Dr Ashish

I am profoundly touched and feel honoured by your invitation to join the Rotary Club, an institution renowned for its commendable contributions to society where highly distinguished personalities likes you serve selflessly.

You know that I am currently overseeing two schools and in the process of establishing a third. This immense responsibility occupies a lion's share of my time and energy.

Moreover, having reached the dignified age of seventy plus, I find my capacity to engage in extend commitments is largely constrained.

The next two years, in my calendar are sure to be exceptionally demanding as I devote myself entirely to the new school project coming up in Sector 89.

I know that participation in the Rotary Club deserves undivided attention and active involvement, would certainly be compromised under these circumstances.

Having gone through duties of the Rotaries after your highly valued phone call, I realise and convey my inability to accept this generous offer at this moment.

I hope you understand my predicament and the sincerity of not being able to subscribe to your kind proposal.

I am sure our benevolent friendship remains as strong as ever in extent and animation in spite of these limitations.

With deep respect and warmest regards,

Onkar Singh Shekhawat


Meri Vidya Schools

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