Letter of Appreciation

This letter of Appreciation that I share with Mr. and Mrs. Pal. The high regard and appreciation in which your son Rohan, class 9D.

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This letter of Appreciation that I share with Mr. and Mrs. Pal. 

It is with great pleasure that I share with you the high regard and appreciation in which your son Rohan, class 9D is held by both his teachers and classmates.

Rohan is symbol of discipline and multifaceted talent. His proficiency in public speaking and intelligence in the application of technology are truly remarkable.

These abilities, combined with his consistent completion of homework and hid proactive approach to learning, make him a standout student.

Rohan's polite, humble demeanor, coupled with his impeccable etiquette, regular attendance, and punctuality, set a sterling example for his classmates.

Rohan's participation and success in inter-school events have brought accolades not only to himself but also to our institution.

You as parents of such a student deserve the highest commendation. Your guidance and encouragement have played a key role in shaping Rohan into the admirable young boy he is today.

Once again, I extend my sincere appreciation for your support and for raising such a wonderful child. We are proud to have Rohan as a part of our school, and we look forward to witnessing his continued growth and success.

Yours sincerely,

Onkar Singh Shekhawat


Tagore Academy Public School 

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