To Chairman CBSE requesting change of inspecting member for affiliation

Request for change of member of Affiliation Inspection team. I thank you for prompt constitution of the inspecting team.

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10 September 20XX

The Chairman

CBSE, Preet Vihar Delhi


This has reference to our online application for the affiliation of the school (file number HAR/ AFF/2012/27). I thank you for prompt constitution of the inspecting team.

The Convener has agreed to give a suitable date for visit of the school but I find it difficult to persuade the second member who happens to be the Principal of a local school. Maybe his pre occupied or not interested in the job.

I believe the honourable member has given consent to carry out such duties within stipulated time.

I have tried to contact him a number of times but failed to obtain a date. I did not find him to be cooperative during my interaction with him so far.

I have begun to doubt if the member is too busy or maybe prejudiced against us. If possible, it is my humble request to you that another official may kindly be appointed for the purpose.

I shall be obliged if you could make it possible to convey us the names of the new team as early as possible. I already know that you are known for your speedy decisions.


Samantha Peeri


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