Acceptance of Resignation and Relieving Letter

After careful consideration, your resignation has been placed before the senior management, and it has been decided, with much reluctance, to accept the same.

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28th October 20XX

Mr. Vipin Gupta

Senior Coordinator

Himalaya School


Dear Mr. Gupta,

It is with regret that we acknowledge receipt of your letter of resignation dated 27th October 20XX, wherein you have expressed your intent to step down from your position at the school. After careful consideration, your resignation has been placed before the senior management, and it has been decided, with much reluctance, to accept the same.

We wish to formally place on record our profound appreciation for the dedicated service you have rendered to the school over the years. Your commitment to excellence and the contributions you have made to the growth and development of our students and the institution as a whole will always be remembered with gratitude.

Please be informed that your last working day will be the 27th of November 20XX. You will be officially relieved of your duties at the close of working hours on that date, subject to the settlement of all outstanding dues and the submission of the clearance certificate from the relevant departments.

On behalf of the entire school community, I extend our heartfelt thanks for your invaluable service to the institution. We wish you every success in your future endeavours and trust that you will continue to excel in all your future pursuits.

With best regards,

Prakash Mudgil


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