The best Happy Birthday letter to a friend

The best Happy Birthday letter to a friend. My good wishes become active much before the clock strikes 00.00 hours.

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16 August 20XX

Dear Mr. Roy I remember that it happens to be your birthday tomorrow. Let me be the first to wish you a wonderful birthday.

My good wishes become active much before the clock strikes 

00.00 hours. You are such a nice person to remember.

You have been a nice son, a lovable friend and a worthy parent of your children. How good to remember you.

There is no day when I don't miss you. You have grown being more and more loved by your friends because it is rare to find a person like you.

You care, share, talk, joke and come to see whenever time permits. This is a great virtue. I steal inspiration from you.

I am happy that God has been kind to you in rewarding for your equal dedication to work and relationships.

As the book of future unfolds, I see you happier, growing from height to height. I send my good wishes for your happiness and professional growth.

I pray to God that your path be a carpet of roses and your future journey of life a symphony of success. I wish you sparkle of a million lucky stars for every night.

Many many happy returns of the Day !

Yours ever

B Nachiketa


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