Letter to publisher about mistakes in the textbook

Attention Required: Errors in the Class VIII Social Sciences book. Your attention certain factual inaccuracies and editorial oversights that have been observed.

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16 October 20XX

The Managing Director

Star Publications


Attention Required: Errors in the Class VIII Social Sciences Textbook

Dear Sir,

I am writing to bring to your attention certain factual inaccuracies and editorial oversights that have been observed in the Class VIII Social Sciences textbook, The Landscape, published by your esteemed company.

As an educational institution that places a high value on academic excellence, we rely heavily on the accuracy and quality of the textbooks we use.

The errors in this particular textbook have not only caused confusion among our students but have also raised concerns among our teaching staff about the quality control measures in place at your publication.

It is understood that in any large-scale publication, human errors can occur. My intention in addressing this matter is not to be overly critical but rather to offer constructive feedback, with the hope that these issues can be rectified in future editions.

I believe that by addressing these concerns, we can ensure that your publication continues to maintain its reputation for excellence.

Please find enclosed a detailed list of the errors, including the specific page numbers and the nature of the inaccuracies. I kindly request that these be corrected in subsequent editions of the textbook.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and trust that you will take the necessary steps to ensure that the quality of your publications remains of the highest standard. We look forward to your positive response and the prompt resolution of these issues.

Yours sincerely,

Gabriel N


Meri Vidya Public School

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