Long absence notice-3

This is Long absence notice-3. Warning letter-3 After one month. Final warning regarding irregular attendance of [Child's Name], [Class]

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This is Warning letter-3 After one month.

Final Warning Regarding Irregular Attendance of [Child's Name], [Class]

Dear [Parent's Name]

We write to inform you that our previous correspondence dated [Date of first letter] and [Date of second letter] regarding the persistent and unacceptable absence of your ward, [Child's Name], from School, there has been improvement in attendance.

This is our final communication before we are compelled to take stringent action as per the provisions of and CBSE guidelines. The continued absence of your child is severely impacting their academic progress and disrupting the learning environment for other students.

We urge you to recognize the seriousness of this matter and take immediate steps to ensure regular attendance. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action, which may include the removal of your child's name from the school.

We trust that you will give this matter the urgent attention it deserves. In case you have any issues you are requested to immediately contact the undersigned.

Yours sincerely

[Principal's Name]


..........Public School

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