Letter accepting a gift and advice for the future

The pen and diary are indeed elegant and of fine quality, and I appreciate the gesture.

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5 November 20XX

The Senior Marketing Executive

Vardhman Publishers

New Delhi

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my sincere thanks for the Diwali gift that you so thoughtfully sent. The pen and diary are indeed elegant and of fine quality, and I appreciate the gesture.

I must candidly share that, as a matter of personal and professional rule, I have always refrained from accepting personal gifts from business associates. While I have retained the pen and diary on this occasion, I find myself compelled to gently request that no further gifts be sent in the future.

It is important to me that the integrity and impartiality of my role as a Principal remain beyond reproach. If we, as an institution, do not permit our staff to accept gifts from parents, students, or suppliers, it would be inconsistent and contrary to our values for me to make an exception in my own case.

I trust you will understand my position and respect my desire to avoid any potential conflict of interest or sense of obligation that could arise from accepting such gifts.

Thank you once again for your kind consideration. I look forward to continuing our professional relationship, built on mutual respect and shared values.

Yours sincerely,

Vibha Goyal


Ghaziabad Public School

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